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Coming from Pagan Writers Press on March 8, 2013!


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Pagan Writers Press
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Third Grand Prize!

Quick Recap:

The first grand prize when HerStory releases is a paperback book, a Strong is Beautiful T-shirt from Keira's Kollection, and pair of HerStory earrings from Yesware.

The second prize is an ebook and an incense diffuser to go along with some handmade soap from Greenchild Creations. Contributor Author Laura DeLuca has donated the diffuser. She has also donated prize three, which I'm about to reveal...

It's an ebook, a Japanese tea set, and an Oriental incense diffuser. How does this tie into HerStory?

In Please Stay, Asuka, a Japanese wife of the 1600s, is preparing the evening meal while awkwardly trying to discuss a matter--somewhat delicate--but of great importance with her husband.

As you get lost in your ebook, in Asuka's story (penned by Becca Diane), you can pretend you are there. Perhaps you feel your husband's penetrating stare. But you serve him his tea, straighten your spine, and say what needs to be said...then wait, breath held, for his reply, incense lightening the tension in the air...

We have more great prizes being donated. Follow HerStory to stay updated about how and when you can win these. Much thanks to Laura DeLuca once again. Take a moment to like her Facebook page and thank her.

1 comment:

  1. I am intrigued on what the problem is in this story...Please Stay....I look forward to reading, and what a cool addition to the prizes offered!



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